Saying No to a Visit to a World of Hurt

How many times has someone threatened in a movie or real life, to send someone to a world of hurt?

So, what would a world of hurt look like?

Would it look like the earth spinning in space in a black, blue and red color scheme?

Or perhaps Mars with a reddish hue?

Would it have rings like Saturn to signify different levels of hurt?

Would you need a passport to enter?

I have no idea how or what worlds of hurt would look like. I just know I see too many I care for visiting it too often.

Of course no one would choose to live in a world of hurt?

How can someone choose to send you to a place that one knows is inherently unhappy and painful? I’d just say, “no thanks, I’ll stay where I am.”

Not quite sure anyone could be convinced to live there even by threats.

Many people live in that world as unpleasant as it may be.

I wonder how populated that world could become before climate control becomes an issue? Or even the Ozone layer or carbon emissions?

Do they drive in a world of hurt or is it only mass transit?  Do normal people live there or is like California, an asylum with palm trees?

And here is my big question…in a world of hurt is it physical pain or mental anguish that sends and keeps you there?

Can you leave or are you stuck there for life?

This world of hurt we hear so much about perhaps we should examine exactly what it entails and how many actually choose to live there. Then there are others who run in the other direction when they see the charter arriving at the airport.

I am a firm believer that there is more than one world of hurt. Although never mentioned in the threat there are probably levels here.

No one says I’m going to put you into a world of hurt on level two. Would that be hurt that comes in waves instead of being present all the time?

Sort of like the feeling you get when you watch the news. Sudden pangs of nausea followed by moments of relief and then the nausea strikes again.

Do they pass out medication to relieve the hurt in any way? On earth people turn to drugs to take away hurt mental or physical, like a bad bout of arthritis. Yep, there are lots of worlds of hurt after all.

I imagine there are lots of bars and cocktails flowing in this world of hurt no matter what level you land on.

So, if level two is waves of pain, what is level one? Is that easier or more difficult to maneuver?

Perhaps the worlds of pain are set up like Dante’s levels of hell. Each getting progressively worse until all hell breaks loose at the lowest level.

Let’s face it. No one has to leave this planet to experience a world of hurt. I’d say that alone negates the need for any such threats to anyone.

I’m going to put you in a world of hurt is rather redundant for there is enough in this life to supply that need if one is thrust there involuntarily.

Sadly, we all know too many who are hurting. Some even in a constant state of hurt that seem stuck and mired down in a muddy puddle of pain.

So how much can one do to leave this world if the pain is thrust upon us?

If the cause cannot be rectified or changed by circumstances beyond our control?

After all we as humans only have so much power here.

Sure we hear a great deal about attitude. You have to keep a positive attitude and life will again become a bed of roses.

Sorry, no roses when you can’t resurrect the dead. And relying on happy memories to get us through doesn’t cut the mustard when a broken heart is involved in the equation. So begs the question…are there levels in this world of hurt that cannot be transcended?

Or is the human spirit designed to allow for a method of surviving in two worlds at once. Side by side where hurt and pain can co-exist alongside happiness and joy?

Is this automatic and something humans can control, or a part of us already inside like a switch that turns on and off?

None of us reach Baby Boomer age without experiencing pain and loss. The levels may differ and let’s face it, the strength and resolve of the human spirit differs in everyone.

Some may bounce back more quickly while others dwell for long periods of time mired in sadness and loss.

We as humans are unfortunately afflicted with many chances to visit this world of hurt. Death sickness, loss, and all the other misfortunes of this life.

We suffer for ourselves and we also suffer for others we love and care about. By very virtue of our compassion, we find ourselves thrust into sadness. So there is little chance any of us has not visited this world of hurt numerous times.

Whether we leave quickly or spend a great deal of time there depends not only on us, but by circumstance.

We all seem to travel between realms and I imagine it’s best to remember that we live in many worlds, joy, elation, happiness, contentment and peace that we move between daily. Don’t we all come out a bit battered and bruised as we pass through?

Hopefully we become adept and fortunate enough to remain in worlds of peace and joy most of the time we spend in this universe.

In this new year I’m buying a ticket for the world of optimism. I hear there is a four-star restaurant on every level there. Please join me and enjoy a fabulous new year filled with joy, happiness and hope for a great future.


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